Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Double Double Burger Cake

This is actually super easy to make, it's just a little time consuming. The buns are vanilla cake, of course, right out of the box! The patties are chocolate cake, again from the box. The top bun was baked in a pyrex glass bowl to give it the rounded shape.
Everything else was made with a homemade cream cheese icing (butter, cream cheese, vanilla extract, and powered sugar).
We made about 2 1/2 patches and divided different amounts into bowls to add food coloring to each. Then all you need is a skilled froster which in this case, was my dad.

Lots 'o' lettuce

mixing color for the "mustard"
 We put white sprinkles on top to represent sesame seeds. Unfortunately, we didn't find plain white sprinkles, so Mom separated out the white ones from the multicolored sprinkles we had! That's dedication.

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